Luxivair SBD News & Updates

5 Things to Consider About Your FBO

As a flight planner, selecting the right FBO is as much about satisfying the technical needs of your flight as it is delivering the needs of your exclusive passengers and […]

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Luxivair SBD Committed to Reducing Carbon Footprint

FBO Offers Greener Alternative in Southern California  July 16, 2019 – San Bernardino, CA: Luxivair SBD, the FBO at San Bernardino International Airport, has recognized the importance of eco-friendly business […]

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Six Tips for a Stress-free Travel Experience

Using private aviation at Luxivair SBD for domestic and international trips can save a great deal of time and hassle often associated with air travel. When landing at an FBO, […]

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Luxivair SBD is Southern California’s Premier FBO

Since 2012 Luxivair SBD has established its reputation as Southern California’s premier FBO. That reputation didn’t just happen, it took hard work and exceptional customer service. Let’s review why Luxivair […]

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GA Hangar Tenant Meeting

Tenant Meetings are held quarterly to communicate any items that are of general interest for our GA population.  It’s also an opportunity to meet your airport neighbors and  participate in […]

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2019 NBAA Schedulers and Dispatchers

Luxivair SBD will be exhibiting at the 2019  NBAA Schedulers and Dispatchers Conference in San Antonio, TX for the 2019 This premier professional development event offers top-level education sessions, critical […]

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